Monday, September 14, 2009

An idiot, or a liar?

Our supreme leader President Barack Hussein Obama is driving me more and more mad as the days go on. This whole health care bill thing is frankly making me want to vomit. He stands before the American public and bold face lies to us. He says things that aren't in the bill, are, and things he says the bill will do, it will not. Now the thing about George Bush Jr. is while we all know he was an idiot in many respects, I do believe many times he thought he was making the right decision. Obama just freakin' lies! I have a much bigger problem with that. This guy is digging my grandchildren which I don't even have yet into a big fat heaping pile of debt. I do not believe this chump of president will be re-elected... I pray to God this health care bill does not pass... If it does, God help us all.