Monday, August 31, 2009

Prisoners Stop Whining

Is there anything more annoying than hearing a prisoner complain about the conditions of the place he now calls home? I must admit I am a sucker for all of those shows like Lockup, Lockdown, etc. I don’t know it’s just something about them us men watch, same like sports. My wife hates them. If they’re on I will likely watch it then and there, or record it to watch it later. One thing that irks the crud out of me though is to hear these supposedly “hardened” criminals whining on and on and on about “the man don’t give me this” or “the man don’t give me that.” I want to break my friggin’ TV set when I see that! I wish I could just reach through the TV and scream “It’s freakin’ jail you dummy!!!!! It’s not supposed to be a great place to live!” Ughhhh Then they go on and on about how the are still “human.” Not to me buddy, you are scum. They lose all credibility the moment they start whining… I’ve seen a scant few say “this is prison, I deserve it… etc.” I can respect that. Those others though I think actually make their plight worse in some way because they come across as even bigger idiots than before. Truthfully I’d let em’ all fry if I was in charge… most of them anyway. That’s another story though.

Friday, August 28, 2009

It's Hip To Be Green

If I here one more person tell me they are “going green” I’m going to vomit. Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for those folks who want to save the environment, yada, yada, yada. I’m talking about those who do it for a fad. I was with my wife a while back at a Christmas party and this one young girl kept going on and on about “how she loved her mother earth” and she was a vegetarian because all the chemicals they put in the foods, and this and that… You know the tattooed artsy type. As soon as dinner was finished she says, “I’m going outside to smoke a cigarette.” I was floored! What a hypocrite. Anyways help mother earth all you can, but once you start making it hip, or a fashion statement you lose all credibility with me. Ugh, that being said I think I’ll drive my gas guzzling truck up to McDonalds today for a nice pesticide ridden lunch today.

When Idiots Finally Die

Ted Kennedy passed away Wednesday from brain cancer. I often hear people use the old adage “don’t speak ill of the dead.” Well I’m sorry; the man was a drunken liberal nut job. If he weren’t part of the great Kennedy dynasty his butt would’ve been rotting in prison for all these years after crashing into that river with that broad back in the day. There I said it. People don’t like to hear the truth spoken about dead people, and that’s weird to me. I may not speak ill of them, but I’m certainly not going to lie either. There are people I know walking around this second that if they keeled over tomorrow I’d walk by there casket and think to myself, “geez he was an asshole.” If that’s not human I don’t know what is. I’m not gonna cry over Ted Kennedy, or the King of Pop for that matter as I’ve got my opinions on him too, and they aren’t good. I try to live my life by that old phrase “give them their roses while they are alive.” I like that one, and I try to do so as often as possible. I want no regrets when someone close to me dies, I want them to know how much I love and appreciate them before they die. If they think I’m a jerk they can say it to my face… while I’m in my casket of course.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Men These Days

The other day my dad and I were talking about what it means to be a man. He was telling me about my grandpa used to walk the creek without shoes on, kill a squirrel and eat it right there, he ate the brains as well. My grandpa was a tough southern man. My dad and I laughed as we discussed how people “go camping” these days. Sleeping in an air conditioned RV, televisions, tents that hold a small town. My grandpa slept on the ground, not in a sleeping bag either, I mean in the grass. He was tough. He had morals that I have always respected, he worked hard to support his family. He loved life, he loved his family, and he loved God. Men these days seem to have become soft, almost lazy. We have become so accustomed to our way of life here in this country we would be lost in the woods if we had to go one day without. I think of my Grandpa often, when life gets tough I imagine how he would have handled it. Then I thank the Lord for what I have and try and toughen up a bit. I may not be the man, but I’m cut from the same cloth. I asked my grandma the other day if she would consider getting a blackberry. She said, “blackberries" are something you eat, not something you talk on.” I laughed…. Sounds like something paw paw would’ve said.